
Museum Café

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Обязательно загляните в это кафе, если окажетесь неподалёку от Toledo Museum of Art. Вы всегда можете попробовать здесь вкусно приготовленный биск, сэндвичи со свининой и сырный салат. В Museum Café предлагают аппетитное печенье. Закажите здесь неплохое вино или хорошее пиво. В этом месте можно заказать вкусный кофе или хороший чай.

В этом заведении есть терраса, где вы можете чудесно провести время на свежем воздухе. По словам клиентов, персонал здесь услужливый. Посетителям нравится профессиональный сервис. В этом кафе адекватные цены. Множество гостей говорят, что здесь роскошный интерьер и очаровательная атмосфера.

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Wonderful quaint cafe at the museum with a simple but elegant menu. You order at a counter and a server brings you your meal in the dining room. Our service was quick but personable. Our food was fresh, at the perfect temperature and super tasty. There's also nice views in the glass enclosed dining room. This was a perfect stop before exploring the museum for a few hours.
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So good! And what a nice environment to have a quiet meal. Order your food, sit down and they bring it out. Get a bottle of wine, have your dinner and go enjoy the museum! Perfect!
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My first time to lunch at the museum café yesterday.  I had the  grilled chicken and peppadew wrap. Best wrap I have ever eaten ~ surprised!  I find most wraps to be somewhat dry but this wrap was warm and toasted and even a tiny bit messy from juiciness. Typically museums of any type have sub par overpriced bland food.  I wasn't aware that the wrap came with a side of cranberry almond farro with wild rice. I sampled it but I am not a fan of those particular grains so I couldn't really say much about it. The setting was very nice, two dining areas. I chose the one furthest from the entrance which is up 3 steps on a higher level with 2 sides of glass walls  allowing you to see outdoors and soak up a little sunshine if you choose to sit in the right spot! Tables are set with cloth napkins and silverware and all food and drinks served on nice dishes. No paper or plastic! My husband just works down the street from the museum so I highly recommended it to him as a great lunch spot. Maybe a bit pricey for everyday lunch but worth a splurge occasionally. My wrap with side of grains and a soft drink was $11 and some change. I look forward to returning and trying out some of the other menu items. Menu is not huge but certainly unique. Here's a link to the menu if you want to peek!   toledomuseum.org/wordpre…
Современная американская, Американская, Подходит для вегетарианцев
ЗакрытоОткроется завтра в 10:00
₽₽ Стоимость на одного гостя $11 - $30
Museum Café на карте
© OpenStreetMap contributions
2445 Monroe St, 43620-1500
Толедо, Огайо, США
2445 Monroe St, Толедо, Огайо, США, 43620-1500
Веранда Возможна оплата картами Wi-Fi Бронирование столиков Доступ для кресел-каталок Парковка ТВ
Режим работы
ПонедельникПн Закрыт
ВторникВт 10:00-15:30
СредаСр 10:00-15:30
ЧетвергЧт 10:00-19:30
ПятницаПт 10:00-19:30
СубботаСб 10:00-16:30
ВоскресеньеВс 12:00-16:30

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