Обязательно загляните в этот ресторан, если окажетесь неподалёку от Каменных врат. В Trilogija обязательно стоит попробовать блюда средиземноморской кухни. Здесь вам точно стоит взять аппетитного морского окуня. Обязательно закажите вкусное вино.
В этом месте потрясающий сервис. Это заведение имеет 2 звезды на сайте экспертного агентства Frommer's.
ПонедельникПн | 11:00-23:30 |
ВторникВт | 11:00-00:00 |
СредаСр | 11:00-00:00 |
ЧетвергЧт | 11:00-00:00 |
ПятницаПт | 11:00-01:00 |
СубботаСб | 11:00-01:00 |
ВоскресеньеВс | Закрыт |
Osim sto mi je propao dan, propalo mi je i putovanje koje sam imala u planu, pa sam ručak u Trilogiji, osim njegove cijene, platila i tako.
Restoran ne bih preporucila nikome, jer je svjezina namirnica abeceda ugostiteljstva.
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When eating in restaurants, I often choose tuna fish as I enjoy it a lot. Sometimes, depending on the restaurant, the tuna is very good, sometimes just edible, but this is the first time I got food poisoning.
After the meal, the symptoms appeared very quickly, while I was still in the restaurant. I went immediately to the hospital, where I got diagnosed with food poisoning and spent several hours there receiving therapy.
Besides spending Sunday afternoon in the hospital, I had to cancel my journey planned for Sunday evening, as I was in no condition to travel. A very expensive lunch.
I wouldn't recommend the restaurant Trilogija to anyone - serving fresh food is a must!