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В этой пиццерии вам подадут аппетитную пепперони, курицу пармиджано и пироги. Доставка еды на дом - несомненный плюс Vincent's Pizza. Большинство гостей говорят, что персонал в этом месте внимательный. Клиенты отрицательно отзываются о сервисе этого заведения. Многие посетители этой пиццерии не очень высоко оценили его на Google.

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Three stars because the delivery is reliable and the food didn't kill me or anything. It just tastes really bad. Impressively bad, to be honest. Look at the some of the photos other reviewers have posted. The food tastes exactly like it looks in those pictures: bad.
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The chicken tenders and fries were solid- the chicken tendies have a satisfying cronch and are still juicy inside. The fries were rather bland (seems like they forgot the salt) but if you dip them in the sauces, you don't really notice it. Wished there were more a bit more tendies- you get 3, but they fall on the smaller side. Garlic bread was mid- portion size is certainly very big (full loaf), but it's more like chopped garlic butter topping put on top of toasted white bread rather than garlic bread as a single cohesive unit. Stuffed shells w/ meat sauce are a solid choice- pasta shells are cooked to an al dente texture, meat sauce is solid. Not a place you go to for full service or sit-in. Inside is a small waiting area directly in front of the counter where you order. Either get takeout or order delivery. Overall, a solid place, great for cheap late night unpretentious munchies.
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Thank you for being establishing this business, would love to know more about the history of Vincent's Pizza.
Пицца, Подходит для вегетарианцев
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₽₽₽ Стоимость на одного гостя до $10
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Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, США
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