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Избранное из меню Violette's Bakery Cafe

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Generally, visitors rate the price/quality ratio positively, describing the food as excellent without the astronomical prices.
  • - highly praised by many reviewers, they are said to be fantastic and made from scratch with a French inspiration.
  • - despite one negative review, others found it delicious and worth trying.
  • Cherry Almond Pastry

    - recommended with a hot spiced chai latte for a perfect morning treat.
  • Rene Sandwich

    - described as a delightful mix of sweet and salty.
  • - many positive reviews highlight the taste of the cheese, mustard, and ham.
  • Pistachio Eclair

    - tasty and recommended by a satisfied customer.
  • Violette

    - a chicken salad that is said to change your perception of what a proper chicken salad should be.
  • Blue Matcha Drink

    - described as amazing and unique.
  • Monte Clarkdale

    - a croissant sandwich praised for its balance between sweet and savory.
  • - recommended by a reviewer who also praised the coffee and pastries.
  • Charturie Board

    - the only gluten-free option mentioned, but it was described as delicious.
  • Violette's Crepes

    - highly recommended by a satisfied customer who also praised the atmosphere and staff.
  • Homemade Croissants

    - many positive reviews, although one reviewer noted they were out of croissants early in the morning.