
Wild Mare

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В этом стейк хаусе вы можете заказать вкусно приготовленный рибай, стейк из филе и крабов. Оцените здесь аппетитный чизкейк. Обязательно попробуйте хорошее вино, пиво или сидр.

В Wild Mare можно вкусно поужинать на открытой террасе. По мнению клиентов, персонал здесь профессиональный. По словам гостей, сервис неплохой. Большинство посетителей отмечают, что цены здесь привлекательные. В этом месте очаровательная атмосфера и замечательный интерьер. Рейтинг этого заведения 4.5 на Google.

Лучший в городе Награда выдается на основании анализа множества параметров, включая обзоры, рейтинги и количество активных пользователей на Restaurant Guru.

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I love this place, I love working here and all my Wild Mare family of coworkers. Salmon is my favorite and the sirloin. Chef Barry always creates the best specials and soup!
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I have never been more embarrassed. I brought friends that came from Wasington to eat. Pam must be rolling over in her grave. $100 for 3 lousy, dry, meals, they ran out of steak so 1 of us had to order a hamburger which was horrible too. I ordered my normal bourbon glazed sirloin. Oh man! the steak was the size of 2 golf balls, I ordered it rare to medium rare, it came medium well, tough and dry. it was not cooked in the glaze but it was on the side. Flavor is just not the same! Nothing else on the plate! No more veges or option of potato. The filet minon, was dry, tasteless, the size of a golf ball, she ordered a backed potato that was dried up and hard as a rock. We didn't bother with dessert. It was loud and a very inconsiderate group behind us looked like the Y crowd, were obnoxious! I will never go back, nor will I ever recommend it to anyone. They never offered to adjust the bill. They were verycondescending, blaming everything on the new cook and new owners! P never would have put up with what is happening. They have ruined the name of what used to be the best steaks in town. Besides, I ended up having a coughing fit, my napkin realed of men's cologne. I am still gagging at the smell and have to scrub my face and hands to try to get rid of it. VERY DISGUSTING PLACE! THIS IS MONTANA NOT CALIFORNIA!!! If I could give it a minus 10 I would!
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Our second visit there. The food and service were amazing the first time. Tonight, I took my wife to celebrate Mother's Day early. The restaurant was busy at 5:45, but certainly not packed. We sat for 20 mins before getting water or speaking to a server. Just watching, it looked like there was no rhyme or reason to which tables each server was responsible for. Ours went from one end of the restaurant to the other. Frustrating to watch people seated after you get their meal while we waited for a second drink. Dinner literally took 2 hours.... Food is great, atmosphere is great. Hope it was some sort of off night.
Стейк-хаус, Американская, Подходит для вегетарианцев
ЗакрытоОткроется завтра в 17:00
$$$$ Стоимость на одного гостя $11 - $30
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© OpenStreetMap contributions
283 2nd St
Корваллис, Монтана, США
283 2nd St, Корваллис, Монтана, США
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СредаСр 17:00-21:00
ЧетвергЧт 17:00-21:00
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СубботаСб 17:00-21:00
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