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Избранное из меню Gasthaus zum alten Zollhaus

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as reasonable, considering the quality of the ingredients and the excellent cuisine. However, some dishes might disappoint depending on personal taste.
  • - the steak at this restaurant comes highly recommended, with reviews stating that it is "cooked to perfection".
  • - this dessert is a special treat as it's not commonly found in other areas. Despite sometimes being unavailable due to high demand, it's worth the wait.
  • - a good alternative if the Salzburger Nockerl is unavailable.
  • Liver with Potatoes

    - a standout dish that was quickly corrected after an initial mix-up in orders.
  • Snails Baked Under Cheese

    - an appetizing starter option.
  • - this traditional dish is highly recommended by regular visitors.
  • - as a restaurant specializing in Austrian cuisine, their schnitzel is a must-try.
  • Wild Game Dishes

    - the restaurant also offers exceptionally good wild game dishes.
  • - some reviews suggest trying the beef tartar, although opinions on this dish seem to vary.