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Избранное из меню Steki Restaurante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The majority of reviewers found the price to be worth the quality of food, with one reviewer stating it was the best 75 euros they had spent in a long time. The restaurant is considered not too expensive given the variety and quality of dishes, providing Michelin star quality at a fair price.
  • - this dish stands out for its layers and balance of flavor. It's visually stunning and a must-try according to one reviewer.
  • - this is another must-try dish, highly recommended for its unique and exceptional taste.
  • - loved by a reviewer for its distinct taste and experience, this dish is said to be of Michelin star quality.
  • - this dish was a favorite among many reviewers. It's perfect for sharing and comes highly recommended.
  • Special of the Day

    - while the specifics of this dish change daily, it comes highly recommended for its unique taste and experience.
  • Moules en Escabeche

    - this dish was noted for being top-notch.
  • - another highly recommended dish, praised for its incredible flavor.

Блюда и напитки в Steki Restaurante